EN: Castles and old mansions, real testimonials of hundreds of years of history, have fallen
prey to the indifference or helplessness of the owners, but also to the greed of thieves. Orezeanu Mansion, architectural monument located in the village of Traian, was built in the early twentieth century by Philip Orezeanu, landowner with properties in several counties in the South and South-East of Romania, such as Braila, Ialomita, Prahova and Caras Severin.The Mansion housed numerous summer festivities which weren't short of the times' celebrities, politicians, military or engineers.
In 1948, with the nationalization, Orezeanu family left Romania. Some years later, an Agricultural Mechanization Resort was built nearby, so the Mansion became the headquarters of the communist state enterprise.
In 2001 the law on restitution of nationalized properties is passed and Orezeanu Mansion is claimed by one of the heirs established in Switzerland. Since then and until the present, the Mansion is the subject of litigation, and time has erased any desire to keep alive this historical monument.
Many articles had been written about it and many heritage buildings are in the same decayed sitation. Most likely, within a few years, the rest of the walls will also just be bricks in the villagers' stoves.
I'll leave you with the pictures, although it is required an effort of the imagination to capture the energy its former glory, when all lies in ruin...
RO: Castele si conace vechi, adevarate marturii a sute de ani de istorie, au cazut prada nepasarii sau neputintei proprietarilor, dar si lacomiei hotilor. Conacul Orezeanu, monument arhitectonic aflat în localitatea Traian, a fost construit la începutul secolului XX de Filip Orezeanu, moşier cu proprietăţi în judeţele Brăila, Ialomiţa, Prahova şi Caraş Severin. Conacul găzduia vara numeroase serbări de la care nu lipseau vedetele vremii, oameni politici, ingineri si militari.
Din 1948, odată cu naţionalizarea, familia Orezeanu a părăsit România. La câţiva ani distanţă, în vecinătatea conacului s-a construit o Staţiune de Mecanizare Agricolă, astfel conacul devenind sediul întreprinderii de stat comuniste.
In anul 2001 apare legea privind retrocedarile proprietatilor nationalizate, iar Conacul Orezeanu este revendicat de unul dintre moştenitorii stabiliţi în Elveţia. De atunci şi până în prezent, conacul face obiectul unor litigii, iar timpul a şters orice dorinţă de a mai ţine viu acest monument istoric.
Despre conac s-au scris multe articole si in aceeasi situatie decazuta sunt mai multe cladiri de patrimoniu. Cel mai probabil, in cativa ani, si restul de ziduri vor fi doar caramizi la sobele satenilor.
Va las cu imaginile, cu toate ca e necesar un efort de imaginatie sa surprinzi energia de odinioara, atunci cand totul in jur e ruina...
Hat & Coat - Vintage; Scarf - from Russia; Shoes - Otter; Bag - H&M; Trousers - M&S;
Stripes turtleneck - H&M
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Love your hat!! you are beautiful !
ReplyDeletekiss from switzerland
Wow, what an amazing place :)))) Love it. You look stunning doll xx
ReplyDeleteWow amazing place great pictures you look amazing doll.
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful your photos !
you sooooooooo gorgeous =)
Beautiful outfit!! :)
ReplyDeleteOMG! Yous photos are amazing!
ReplyDeleteGreat outfit dear, I like your blog :)
Have a nice weekend,
Come and visit my blog if you want!
Great history!! I love how you edited the photos to capture that old age. Beautiful dear :)
First of all I love your outfit, second I love old mansions and their stories! We have many here in Thessaloniki and I really like searching for old pictures of them or creepy legends!
ReplyDeleteWow ce poze superbe, un loc extraordinar ! Imi place combinatia dintre look-ul tau si peisaj ! Superb !
Breathtaking location. Wow! You look so lovely. http://fashionablyidu.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteLove the cap and the location! I'm so envious of the climate you are facing right now in contrast to the blistering heat here in India!
Nilu Yuleena
BIG hair LOUD mouth