Monday, 2 March 2015

2 year blog anniversary

EN:   Well, here I am! ... Two years of fun, two years of blogging.
It's nice to look back... I learned a lot and hope not to stop here. 
When I first posted in 2013 I was very nervous but I had low expectations.  I was wondering how
others will see it. As to say: "What's the point of making myself look pretty, if there's no one to see it?" :)

It was not always easy, but it was an interesting rewarding journey. For all my blog related little joys, I am grateful to those who came again and again for each post, their beautiful comments and to those who follow me on the social networks.

                    Some may think it's really cool to have a blog, others can be sarcastic when it comes to personal blogs, as if the only accepted hobbies are those that bring you money, save the world or some other grown up thing to do, whatever it may be. Well, the blog earned me a little bit of money and I realized long ago that the world can not be saved by one person so I do my part as well as I can.
There's a decent amount of hard work behind each post. I wanted something that would be more than photos posted on Facebook to show my ex how great I look or to my colleague the new shoes I bought.
A blog means having the curiosity to do and to learn more every time, so I would be able to share it with you after. To create a story behind the photo, to leave aside shyness, to be able to shoot anywhere or to carry on my idea even with spectators.  Having a blog means to be prepared to share with strangers bits and pieces of your private life and, most important, to take responsibility for the things you write.

 My blog is just a passion and most probably will remain. I barely manage to post twice a month and I have 6 months old photos that are waiting to get online. I don't know if it's the best thing, but most of the times I don't take myself to seriously, which I recommend doing it yourselves ocacasionally. 

If at least once I managed to convince one of you to dare more, to wear a hat or a brighter color, my blog has done what it was meant to. 
After two years, I've learned that the most precious thing I have to share is that <<when you feel good about yourself - you are beautiful!>>

Taking these photos I had the pleasure of working with Galia, event coordinator, photographer, a special person, which also from passion, dared to create a place that seems to be out of this world. Seasons Tea Room! I was happy to discover in my town, a place loaded with so much common sense, a place smelling of tea and jam, where the décor tell a story that takes you back in time.
   More photos with this place can be found here.
For the occasion I chose to wear an outfit insipred by the '40s - a mint green, vintage dress, , H&M skirt (and yes: I'm wearing a skirt over a dress :->) and the earrings can still be found on Jollychic. 

I wish you a beautiful spring!

RO:  Ei bine, iata-ma!...2 ani de joaca frumoasa, 2 ani de blog.
E frumos sa privesc inapoi. Am invatat foarte multe si sper sa nu ma opresc aici.

Cand am lansat primul post in 2013 aveam mari emotii si asteptari putine.  Nu stiam cum il vor primi ceilalti. Cum as zice: ''ce rost sa ma fac frumoasa daca nu ma vede nimeni?'' :)
Nu a fost intodeauna usor, dar a fost un drum interesant, presarat cu satisfactii. Pentru micile mele bucurii legate de blog, sunt recunoscatoare celor ce au revenit aici, la fiecare post, comentariilor lor frumoase si celor ce ma urmaresc pe retelele de socializare.

Unii considera ca e foarte cool sa ai un blog, altii sunt ironici cand vine vorba de bloguri personale, de parca singurele placeri acceptate sunt cele care aduc bani, salveaza lumea, ori alte ocupatii de oameni mari, oricare ar fi acestea. Ei bine, blogul mi-a adus si cativa bani iar ca lumea nu poate fi salvata de un singur om, am inteles demult . In sensul asta, eu imi fac partea mea de treaba, asa cum ma pricep mai bine. 

In spatele unui blog e foarte multa munca. Eu mi-am dorit ceva care sa fie mai mult decat fotografii postate pe facebook pentru a-i arata fostului ce bine arat ori colegei de servici ca mi-am luat pantofi noi.
Sa am un blog inseamna sa am curiozitatea de a face si de a invata mai mult, ca mai apoi sa pot imparte cu voi. Sa creez o poveste in spatele fotografiilor, sa las la o parte timiditatea, sa pot poza oriunde, sa duc la capat o idee chiar daca am si spectatori. Sa ai un blog inseamna sa fii pregatit sa imparti cu straini bucati din viata ta, din intimitatea ta, si cel mai important: sa iti asumi ce ai scris.

Blogul e doar o pasiune si cel mai probabil va ramane atat. Abia daca reusesc sa postez de 2 ori pe luna si am fotografii care asteapta de 6 luni sa ajunga online. Nu stiu daca e cel mai bun lucru dar de cele mai multe ori nu prea ma iau in serios,  lucru pe care va recomand sa-l faceti si voi din cand in cand. 

Daca am reusit macar o data, sa conving pe una dintre voi , sa indrazneasca mai mult, sa poarte o palarie ori o culoare mai puternica, blogul meu si-a indeplinit misiunea.
Dupa doi ani, am invatat ca cel mai pretios lucru pe care trebuie sa-l transmit e ca atunci cand te simti bine in pielea ta - esti frumoasa!

Pentru aceste fotografii am avut placerea sa colaborez cu Galia, coordonator de evenimente, fotograf, un om special, care tot din pasiune, a indraznit sa creeze un spatiu parca din alta lume. Ceainaria Anotimpuri! Am fost bucuroasa sa descopar in Braila un loc incarcat cu atat de mult bun simt, un loc cu miros de ceai si dulceata, unde decorul spune o poveste ce te poarta inapoi in timp. Mai multe fotografii din ceainarie gasiti aici .
Am ales sa port o tinuta inspirata din anii '40 - o rochie verde-menta, vintage, , fusta H&M ( da, port fusta peste rochie :-> )  iar cerceii pot fi gasiti inca pe Jollychic
Va doresc o primavara frumoasa! 

If you like my blog, let's keep in touch!


  1. The yellow skirt is to die for. You look great.

  2. Happy Blog Birthday doll, I always enjoy coming here, amazing!! Your outfit looks stunning, so perfect. I wish you many more years to come :) xx

  3. Happy birthday to your blog, dear. You look wonderful in this outfit. Love it and all the best for the future with this blog. :)

  4. La multi, multi ani inainte cu blogul draga mea! Faci o treaba minunata, esti o frumoasa, super creativa si ar fi fost si pacat sa tii asa comoara ascunsa! Ne delectam si noi cu imagini superbe, cu povestioare de suflet si nu in ultimul rand, ne ajuti sa "indraznim" mai mult in tinute! Te pup cu drag!

  5. Congratulations! Wish you a lot of fun with your blog for the next years. Also, beautiful pics.

  6. fain ... chiar imi place , te imbratisez :-)

  7. Citesc aici si ma uit la fotografii de fiecare data. Nu am indraznit sa las vreodata un comentariu. Poate asa suntem noi romanii, ori poate nu credeam ca iti pot spune ceva nou. Emani eleganta, stil si multa frumusete. Voiam sa stii ca ai ajuns la Buzau. Carmen.

  8. superbe poze ,continua cu ceea ce faci ,nu multi au atuul tau si ambitia ta :* from your sister

  9. Felicitări esti o frumusete naturală

  10. so lovely Post ! The blouse with vichy print and the yellow skirt perfect style <3

  11. Congratulation dear!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  12. Nice post! ^^

    xoxo! |

  13. Love the yellow skirt and the place ! Great post ! XOXO

  14. Bella!!!

    Saludos desde Rep. Dom

  15. You look stunning! Happy bday to your blog!

  16. you're soooooooo gorgeous!!!!!

  17. happy b-day to your blog, love the pics!

  18. Congrats and happy birthday to your blog, you look so cute, love your skirt <3

  19. Happy belated Blogaversary!!!! Amazing job!!!

    Secret little Stars

  20. Great post!! You look stunning!

  21. Happy Bloggiversary doll! You look even more fabulous for the occasion!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  22. chic look ❤
    Happy blogging aniversary, wishing you all the best :)

  23. girl you look gorgeous! Cheers to a life full of blogging <3

  24. Congratulations on your two year blog anniversary Beautiful!!!

  25. Happy anniversary!!! I love your pictures!!!


  26. Happy anniversary, dear. I love your blog and these are such wonderful shots! I love them !

  27. You look wonderful!! Happy Birthday to your blog doll, I wish many more years for it to come :) xx
