Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Meet my friend, Hummingbird.

I learned to ride the bicycle at 12. I was left with two nice marks as a reminder of my efforts. Meanwhile I learned to ride a scooter and after, a motorcycle. As a child I thought it would be awesome to have a bike, even a scrap hand made welded one. My parents started by tricking me with a tricycle when I was around three, only to say they are dangerous after. I would argue that every child deserves a bike. There are a lot of advantages: sport, self-confidence, discipline and, as I was reading the other day, "some things cannot be seen unless riding a bike".

I come from a country where, until not so long ago, there were no bicycle lanes. And due to the fact that you cannot "pimp" your bicycle with 20' rims, riding a bike was attributed to the poor. Now we're just at the begining of developing a bicycle culture.

Hummingbird is my first two-wheel friend. I say first, not only because I hadn't had another one until now, but also because I'm certain there will be others to follow. Whether doing my daily shopping, or simply taking it for a ride, pedaling puts me in a good mood.


Am invatat sa merg pe bicicleta pe la 12 ani.Mi-au ramas doua semne zdravene ca dovada a eforturilor mele de atunci. Intre timp am invatat sa conduc un scuter, apoi motocicleta.Dar atat.Am invatat sa ma tin pe ele.In copilarie mi se parea foarte tare sa am o bicicleta fie ea sudata prin combinat.Ai mei m-au amagit cu o tricicleta pe la 3 ani, dupa care mi-au spus ca sunt periculoase.Eu as spune ca orice copil are dreptul la o bicicleta. Avantaje: sport,incredere in sine, disciplina, iar asa cum citeam zilele trecute,"unele lucruri nu se vad decat dupa bicicleta".

Vin dintr-o tara in care pana nu demult,nu exista nici o pista pentru biciclisti. Din cauza faptului ca bicicletei nu-i puteai pune folie pe geamuri si nici face polish ca sa straluceasca, mersul pe bicicleta era atribuit celor saraci. Acum suntem abia la inceput in dezvoltarea unei culturi a bicicletei.

Hummingbird <3 este prima mea prietena pe doua roti.Spun prima nu doar pentru ca nu am avut alta pana acum, ci si pentru ca sigur vor urma si altele.Fie ca imi fac cumparaturile zilnice, sau pur si simplu ies la plimbare, pedalatul imi da stare de bine.


  1. Love Your bike!! And great make up work too!

  2. Like both, You and your bike.

  3. I feel like I might have said this before (maybe on Chictopia? I have a terrible memory), but I just love that jacket! <3

    - Anna

  4. Great bike and I am sure that you will having many great adventures - Best wishes Alan

  5. Very nice jacket! i have a similar one, pictures on my blog

  6. U are so pretty!!! Love u bike!

  7. Love these pics on the bike and the bike is so beautiful!




