Friday 30 August 2013

"Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy."

   I work in a resort, 7 km away from home.
I want to tell you about the bus that takes me home. Have you ever seen in the movies a bus in the Mexican countryside, in which at least a passenger holds a vegetable basket, or a chicken or at least some sort of a small animal?... That's the bus I’m coming home with!
Most of the times the backdoor doesn't close unless it's helped by a kindly, stronger Russian. I'm saying Russian because it seems like at least one city from Russia moved to Cyprus. And if you know, I learned recently - Russia is huge!
The time seems to have stopped for this bus, maybe for the poor driver too...
Do you imagine a Russian woman that wore what she had best (being in vacation after all) looking surprised that the bus stopped in front of her is 101 - the one that she expected?

To be fair, not all the buses are as interesting as this one. Most of them are almost new and modern and they have air conditioning too. The Cypriots are a nostalgic people and I guess they haven't had the heart of retiring the old buses.

The good part is that on my way home I have time to meditate. Influenced by a book I'm reading these days, I kept thinking about the differences between men and women, at what would make us envious, even the ones of us that think "I never envy", I drew one conclusion or another based on the thousands of mistakes that I've made and the dozens that I still do.
Well, let me tell you one of this... Last week at the hotel, we had a particularly special delivery for a
Russian lady. I was telling you about them... they got even in our minds! Our misfortune, of the women we were on duty then, was that the delivery came at a time that we weren't that busy. A gentleman stopped at the Reception and asked me how can he get to room 012 and if I can check if Miss Diana is registered on that room. About the guy that made the delivery, I can't remember anything, not even if he was bold or if he wore any uniform. He had in his arms a bouquet of about 50 red roses, a gift bag where you could see a box that said Moet on it and a box of chocolates. If we didn't all want to be Diana at that point in time, at least we wanted to know who the hell is she and what does she look like. Some seconds later a colleague broke the silence "My boyfriend never makes things like this!..." , and she left…

Hehe, I'm sure that I made you wonder... Diana is 25, she is very beautiful, brunette and the flowers were from her boyfriend who was back in Russia. It wasn't her birthday and he didn't proposed as we might thought. I had asked her specially for the blog, in fact, I did not needed to know  :D!

See you soon!

RO:  Lucrez intr-o statiune turistica ,la 7 km departe de casa.

Vreau sa va povestesc despre autobuzul cu care merg acasa.
Ati vazut in filme cate un autobuz intre localitati prin Mexic,in care cel putin un pasager tine in brate  un cos cu legume, o gaina, sau macar un animal?...Cu acel autobuz ma intorc eu acasa!

De cele mai multe ori usa din spate nu se inchide decat ajutata de vreun rus binevoitor si vanjos. Spun rus pentru  ca se pare ,cel putin un oras din Rusia s-a mutat in Cipru. Iar daca voi stiti, eu  am aflat de curand…Rusia e imensa!
Timpul parca s-a oprit pentru acest pentru autobuz, poate si pentru bietul sofer…
Va inchipuiti cate o rusoaica care poarta ce avea mai bun (ca doar e in vacanta), surprinsa ca pe autobuzul ce a oprit in statie  scrie 101- pe care ea il astepta?
Sunt dreapta si recunosc ca nu sunt toate autobuzele la fel de interesante ca acesta, majoritatea sunt aproape noi, aproape moderne si au si aer conditionat. Cipriotii sunt un neam melancolic de fel si banuiesc ca nu s-au indurat sa scoata din uz vechile autobuze.
Partea buna e ca in drum spre casa am timp sa meditez. Influentata de o carte in proces de citire, m-am tot gandit zilele astea la diferente intre barbati si femei, la ce ne-ar face invidioase si pe cele ce credeam ca nu invidiem , am mai tras cate o concluzie dupa miile de greseli pe care le-am facut si zecile pe care inca le mai fac… :P
Pai, sa va povestesc cate ceva!...Saptamana trecuta, am avut la hotel  o livrare mai speciala pentru o rusoaica.Va spuneam despre ei…ne-au umplut pana si gandurile! Ghinionul nostru, al femeilor ce lucram in acest hotel a fost ca livrarea a avut loc la o ora cand noi nu eram foarte ocupate.Un domn a oprit la receptie si m-a rugat sa-i spun cum ajunge la camera 012 si sa verific daca domisoara Diana este cazata in aceasta camera.Depre tipul care facea delivery ,nu-mi amintesc nimic, nici daca era chel,nici daca purta vreo uniforma...Avea in brate o buchet de vreo 50 de trandafiri rosii, o punga de cadouri de unde iesea o cutie pe care scria Moet si o cutie de bomboane de ciocolata. Daca n-am vrut toate sa fim Diana atunci, cu siguranta am vrut sa stim cine naiba e ea si cum arata?  Dupa cateva secunde bune o colega a spart tacerea: “Hm, iubitul meu nu face din astea!...” , dupa care a disparut.
Hehe, sigur v-am facut curioase!... Diana  are 25 de ani, e foarte frumoasa, bruneta, iar florile erau de la iubitul ei care ramasese in Rusia.Nu era ziua ei si nici nu o cerea de nevasta,asa cum ne gandeam noi.Am intrebat special pentru blog, eu, de altfel, nu tineam mortis sa stiu! :D

Pe curand!

PS : Diana, thank you for the flowers! :)

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