Sunday, 30 November 2014

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

All wrapped up


Great for the casual outfits. Beautiful to wear it at school, definitely you stand out of the crowd. You can wear it with your army boots, jeans, and scarfs in neutral colors.

Monday, 10 November 2014

One day in Vegas liked my Sunflower post and invited me to participate at #CosmopolitanChic blog challenge. It was like "the coolest person you've ever met invites you to a party. Time for me to shine. For Vegas!"
A day in the gorgeous Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Hotel. A place for all the pleasures that Las Vegas has to offer. Luxury, Spa, gambling, shopping, business centers. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas loves dogs, so you can take your four legged friend with you! It's even the perfect place for a wedding in Vegas!
I couldn't decide on only one outfit. It's an ideal opportunity to highlight a few outfits.
Three outfits, three places full of glam and color.
It's my day in Vegas and have the freedom to wear any.
Celor de la le-a placut postul meu Sunflower si m-au invitat sa particip la #CosmopolitanChic blog challenge. A fost ca si cum ''cea mai cool persoana pe care o cunosc m-a invitat la petrecere. Era timpul sa stralucesc! Pentru Vegas!''
O zi in superbul hotel Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. Un loc unde intalnesti toate placerile pe care Las Vegas le are de oferit. Lux, Spa, jocuri de noroc, shopping, business centre. Cei de la Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas iubesc cainii, asa ca iti poti lua patrupedul cu tine! E locul perfect chiar pentru o nunta in Vegas! 
Nu m-am putut opri la un singur outfit. E o ocazie ideala pentru a pune in evidenta cateva tinute.
Trei outfituri, trei locuri pline de glam si culoare.
E ziua mea in Vegas si am libertatea sa port orice.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Pleated dress

Does it happen to you to not genuinely like a trend or simply a type of clothes or shoes and, after some time, to want them in any shape as they may come?
That happened to me with pleated skirts. I used to not like anything about them. And I thought that there were only some of them left strayed in my grandmother's closet. Later on, I've seen them wandering around the streets and I used to think that some women are just too nostalgic. And then... I have no idea what happened! My mechanisms got deranged, night became day, and the first thing I would notice in a shop window were these awesome pleats.
It all started with this dress!

Saturday, 1 November 2014
