Sunday, 20 October 2013

Eve is to blame for everything!...

  • I was reading today about all the things that a woman should be and all the things a woman should do to keep her man. I started writing with resentment. 
Not to lose femininity while you’re scraping the grease of an oven, to eat grass while he’s gobbling a couple of pork chops and possibly not to lose a day of gym, while he can exercise in front of the PC. Sleep sexy when the only thing you want is to pull your socks over you pajamas because you’re cold. Get rid of the "comfy at-home clothes" and be as feminine as you can be, even though all you want to do is lay around the house or tidy up a little bit, because the last two days, after work, gym, kids, cooking, you hadn’t had time to get around it and the dust settled even on top of the instrument he’s "working" so hard on.

Of course, he can wear the same pair of pants every day, thinking that man shouldn’t be either feminine or sexy. We just desire them by virtue of nature. We wake up in the morning burning with desire. Their existence only is enough for our hormones to start tromping. 
Oh, but we control our urge because we have to run to the bathroom in an attempt to look our best when he wakes up! 

I remembered an esteemed lady was saying that she only washes her hair at the beauty saloon because she doesn’t want her husband to see her with the hair undone… and this, after thirty years of marriage. 
No shit! You can tell that man that I don’t want to keep him around. Burdened with that many “must”, my life seems a lot more easier on my own. And if a woman succeeds in doing at least half of these things, I say that he should see her as “a kind of superwoman” and be a little bit more careful… so he can keep her.

Citeam azi despre cate trebuie sa fie si sa faca o femeie ca sa-si pastreze barbatul.Am inceput sa scriu cu indignare.

Sa nu pierzi din feminitate in timp ce cureti cuptorul de grasime, tu sa mananci iarba in timp ce el infuleca cateva cotlete,eventual sa nu pierzi o zi de sala in timp ce ei pot face sport in fata computerului.
Sa dormi sexy cand tu ai vrea sa-ti bagi pantalonii in sosete pentru ca ti-e frig,sa scapi de tinuta ta lalaie si sa fii cat mai femina chiar daca tot ce vrei e sa zaci in casa sau sa faci putina ordine pentru ca in ultimile 2 zile,dupa serviciu,sala,copii,gatit,n-ai apucat sa mai stergi si praful care s-a asezat pana si pe ustensila pe care el "lucreaza" din greu.

Bineinteles,el poate purta aceeasi pereche de pantaloni in fiecare zi,gandindu-se ca barbatul nu trebuie sa fie nici feminin,nici sexy.Noi ii dorim de la natura.Ne trezim dimineata arzand de dorinta.Simpla lor existenta,e de ajuns ca hormonii nostri sa tropaie. 
Oh,dar ne stapanim dorinta pentru ca trebuie sa fugim in baie in incercarea de a arata cat mai bine atunci cand el se trezeste.

Mi-am amintit de o stimabila doamna care spunea ca ea se spala pe cap doar la coafor pentru ca nu vrea ca sotul ei sa o vada cu parul nearanjat…Asta dupa 30 de ani de casnicie.

No shit! Puteti sa-i spuneti barbatului asta ca eu nu vreau sa-l pastrez. 
Impovarata cu atatea “trebuie”, viata mea pare mult mai usoara de una singura! Iar daca vreo femeie reuseste sa faca macar jumatate din toate astea, eu zic ca el ar trebui s-o vada “kind of superwoman” si sa aiba un pic mai multa grija de ea…sa o pastreze!


  1. So interesting! I actually look ridiculous when I am at home. I don't live alone, I have a 18 month old and a husband. I am usually half dressed, in a tank top and underwear.

  2. What a tiring life! Life should be spontaneous and free in my opinion. To live life so rigid must be tiring. Thank God my husband is not so demanding :) and still think I look the sexiest in my lousy pj ;)

    MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

  3. Great post! Thanks so much for visiting me! I just followed you on BLOGLOVIN and would love if you followed back :)

  4. Great post, you are damn right, we are superwomen!!

  5. I think, that relationship isn't only about good looking. We should care about our look, but with moderation. Great post:)
